Independence Day 2020
Warm wishes to everyone on our 74 th Independence Day! The word Independence, freedom brings a lot of energy and patriotic spirit in us. Today while we see freedom from a spectrum of the corona pandemic, everyone feels confined inside their own boundaries. But to look at it positively, we have all received our fair share of constructive time for ourselves and for our near and dear ones. I am sure each one of us has peeped into their mind during this free time and realized so many things that could be done differently. We always believed that luxury was the rare, the expensive, the exclusive, and everything that seemed beyond our reach. But now, we have realized that luxury was those small little things that we did not know how to value; and now that they are gone, we miss them so dearly. Luxury is being healthy and not stepping into a hospital. Luxury is going out on the streets and breathing without wearing a mask. Luxury is meeting our family and friends with no restrictio...