
Showing posts from July, 2018

“Dream - Explore – Achieve”

The academic year 2018-19 has begun with a great zeal. One of our students making a mark in the list of city toppers makes all of us feel proud! Our quality results speak volumes about distinct qualities of our students. Success in such examination is not only for Class 10, but the sum total of the efforts put in by all teachers and parents from the beginning. Let me congratulate all DSRBians for such a wonderful achievement! Moving towards the new academic year, all of us along with our Student Council are ready with PEACE (Positive Engagement And Collaborative Environment) Code. It is an effort in continuation of ‘Creating Positive School Environment’ project; being cognizant of the fact that better learning happens in a happy and peaceful environment. Our most popular Break Time Activities will facilitate more classes at a time and engage students positively in planning strategies and thus building team spirit. ‘Confluence’, the school assemblies are coming up in a new format...