Gratitude – The Healthiest and Powerful Human Emotion!
One more academic year has come to an end and it’s time to reflect and review! The year began with celebration of International Yoga Day followed by Positive Platter, Digital Safety Sessions, Anubhuti, Effervescence and many more activities. Our annual events were renamed as Crescendo and Momentum. It was a swift and happening year at school. Each activity and event accelerated our enthusiasm and its success multiplied our energy to plan the next one! Our students have made us proud with a number of winning performances in external examinations and competitions. Our school was recognized and awarded at many platforms and these accolades would act as catalysts for the upcoming ideas and plans. Many thoughts are flashing at this moment and one of the most important one is to express gratitude… I think this is the right time to stop and thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. The whole academic year is a collaborative effort of all who are involved in ma...