Live, Love and Laugh!!

Flash Mob on the eve of our Independence Day focused on the theme of ‘Inner Freedom' seeking relief from stress, competition, jealousy and gadgets. It is a common sight nowadays to see people engrossed in smart phones or other gizmos and this prevailing scenario has a great impact on our younger generation. Children growing in this digital world text more than they speak. They love speed, seek immediate feedback and rely on facts only. Their multitasking skills are commendable and help them to achieve more in less time, if used in the right manner. Although some of the features of this Gen Z are essential; but to lead a successful life, one must develop a different skill set which surely includes building interpersonal relationships. Gadgets are bringing the world closer but taking humans apart. Most of the communication is through chats and emoticons. Can it replace the warmth in human connections? The answer is definitely NO! Digital Detoxification is the need of the hour and conscious efforts in reducing gadget time will help to overcome this challenge. Stressing on direct communication, spending quality time with people around us will give a different perspective to life. 

Life is not about things, but it’s all about people, value them!! And that’s the reason give it a try.  

Live every moment,

Love beyond words, and

Laugh every day!!


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